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Insights and
Network Lunch Series:
Athlete Data

14th September 2023 at Kia Oval, London
Insights and Network Lunch Series meet industry peers make new contacts

Ownership of Athlete Data Should
Remain the Property of the
Organization Collecting It...

… Or should it?

Data is giving us more athlete and player performance data than ever before … but where is it heading?
  • Who owns – or should own – this data
  • When does it stop being a training asset and become a commercial one
  • Who gets the revenue
  • Should performance data ever be used for fan engagement …or betting …or broadcast
If you work in athlete representation, betting, broadcast, coaching, content creation, marketing, sponsorship, sports governance or technology, you need to know!
Insights and network lunch series: debate athlete data ownership knowledge insights discussion expert opinion wearable smart watch
On 14th September at The Kia Oval we heard four industry experts exchange views on Athlete Data Ownership in a fun debate format, followed by a networking lunch. If you’d like to attend our next Insights and Networking lunch, please pre-register your interest here.


Insights and network lunch series andrew steele oly dnafit, ddrobotec elite athlete Olympic sprinter

Andrew Steele OLY

Sports Tech Entrepreneur

Alia, DNAFit, DDRobotec

Insights and network lunch series-speaker headshot image of andy danson bird & bird llp leading sports lawyer sports law athlete data

Andy Danson

Head of Media, Entertainment & Sport

Bird & Bird LLP

Insights and network lunch series speaker paul mckernan CEO statsports sports technology athlete data

Paul McKernan

Managing Director


Insights and network lunch series speaker tim lopez director csm talent leading sports agent rugby football

Tim Lopez


CSM Talent


athlete data sports technology insights and network lunch series john inverdale sports presenter

John Inverdale

Insights and network lunch series rebecca hopkins MC Tech Chairs podcast athlete data sports technology

Rebecca Hopkins

Who Was In The Room